Welcome, Kindred Spirit! I’m a soul-focused mentor helping you elevate your life by elevating your beliefs.


I’m here to support your self-actualization through the practical application of astrology (symbolic language), Law of Attraction (vibrational language), unconventional wisdom (soul language), and common sense (actual language). My goal is to help you remember and embody your SPIRITUAL WHOLENESS – using Galactic Astrology, Reiki/energy work, and soul-focused coaching that enhances your vibration and well-being.

I study the subatomic structure of meaning — it’s just the way I’m wired. The diversity of my background has taught me there is no “one-size-fits-all” approach to spiritual awakening and empowerment … everything here is to support your well-being, so where would you like to begin? 



Transformation is the defining moment that separates “before” from “after”. But who defines that moment? Transformation is generally viewed as a dramatic and noticeable difference, something ‘obvious’. However, this process is really a collection of small changes or shades of difference that comprise an overall improvement.

Every journey includes cycles of progress and challenge that trigger our awakening; but ‘awakening’ is not the destination! Our individual awakening contributes to the collective awakening.


Our “habit of thought” is basically the stuff we tell ourselves when we aren’t listening.  It’s the background noise we’ve gotten used to. I’ve been working with what I call Activated Language for over a decade now.  It’s kind of like combining The Law of Attraction with Atomic Habits and it creates amazing results!  You will experience this within our first session. 

“When we speak, we program the field around us.” - R. Neville Johnson



Do you ever feel like you’re ascending horizontally?

Do you feel like you’re stuck on the “karmic hamster wheel”, destined to repeat the same patterns over and over?

Has your soul agreed to take on some of the collective karma and help clear part of it at this time?

Would you like to finally feel “connected” to your Star Family? (or families, in many cases)

Are you ready to learn what messages your Quantum Soul Team has for you, to empower your journey?

Would it help you move forward with confidence to better understand the many distant stars and ancient lands that your SOUL has traveled to, and from?

Did you utilize a “STARGATE” to arrive here in the Milky Way Galaxy? (such as the Orion Ring Nebula (portal) or maybe the Lyra Ring Nebula (portal), or the Antares-Aldebaran Stargate Portal)

Do you have a Stargate Portal in your natal chart?


Many Star Souls feel homesick, but don’t know where "home" is.  You don’t have to believe in “Starseeds” to feel lost and alone in the world, out of place, or “different” (like you don’t belong).  That said, if you feel a burning curiosity about your soul’s history and the possibility that Earth is not your first home, keep reading. 


Galactic Astrology infuses traditional understanding with updated and more expanded views, by incorporating new discoveries (in astronomy and quantum physics) with the fundamentals that have survived the centuries. The moment of your birth sets up complex geometric alignments within this Galactic Matrix that create an overlay of energies and experiences (often called “lessons”) which cause your expansion. 

Julia Balaz has truly broadened our understanding of how the galactic points influence our lives. And she taken this astrology practice to the next level with her Quantum Soul Guidance course, along with her body of work on YouTube and social media. My life is forever changed by this new understanding, and my growing ability to help others discover their soul’s origin!

Galactic Astrology incorporates fixed star alignments (also called Starseed locations) and four major galactic points in your natal chart to gain insight about your soul’s journey into this incarnation, along with aspects of your life path, soul purpose and mission. These four main galactic points include —

     — The Galactic Center

     — The Super Galactic Center

     — The Great Attractor

     — The Shapley Attractor

Their house placement in your chart, along with planetary aspects, indicate what areas of life you have amplified energies, likely access quantum downloads, connection to higher perspectives, and your soul mission for individual and collect ascension.  



For example — If you have Andromeda conjunct Sun in the 6th house, this indicates your service to others involves deep healing and clearing limitations/limiting beliefs, and Andromeda conjunct Sun in your 11th house shows that your balanced energy and integrity is able to heal groups, penetrate rigid and outdated paradigms.

New video, just in time to honor the Solar Eclipse in Aries! Becoming Light Codes (guided meditation) This is a timeless video that combines Law of Attraction at the quantum level … relax into what’s possible. Become the I AM. Enjoy!

Check out my “debut” interview by Julia Balaz about becoming certified as a Quantum Soul Guidance Practitioner! We have a great conversation about Stargate Portals … Antares and Aldebaran!



(more on the Galactic Astrology page!)

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“This wasn’t just good — this was extremely powerful. And very … healing. You connected all the dots, and you brought me full circle. You have opened my consciousness, so that I can be who I was sent here to be. You, as a “stranger” made me feel safe … made me feel heard … made me feel seen … and honored me as a person.


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“You’re amazing! I don’t know how you do this … you’re clearly plugged in. I don’t know any human beings who have this much energy and mental capacity! Like you’re plugged into something! This was more than worth the investment. You have way overdelivered on anything I could have expected.”

W.S. (client, oHIO)

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“I'm blown away with everything that came through today. This has changed the entire trajectory of my life -- I'm excited for tomorrow, and all the other tomorrows! Thank you!”




It doesn’t compete with the stock market, or inflation, or the Instagram algorithm. Sacredness is a fundamental expression of your existence. It cannot be suspended, revoked, rejected, or negotiated.

There is no “one-size-fits-all” path to awakening. And your journey of empowerment is not linear. The “work” I do with people is an integration of the Law of Attraction, Atomic Habits, activated language, Galactic Astrology, unconventional wisdom, and common sense - strategically layered together within my readings and sessions.


How exactly does a former U.S. Marine become a catalyst for spiritual growth?

By accident, of course … if “by accident” you mean unrelenting self-examination, a commitment to personal integrity that rivals most, and a ceaseless drive to help create a better world for our children.


What if you could reset your life without starting over?

I believe that compassion and accountability are not mutually exclusive. In our sessions I will give you feedback without the psychobabble or pseudo-spiritual fluff. I hold a non-judgmental space of high integrity, and I often use levity to break up the crystalized energy of fear and resistance.

— Stop trading memories for money. 

— Go from tired to inspired … in one session.

— Go from wallflower to butterfly … in the time it takes your mother to decide which of your tattoos she hates the least.

— Go from doormat to doorknob … faster than Amazon can deliver your books. 

— Go from resentful to joyful …. in the time it takes your toddler to find their shoes.  Again.

— No excuses. No apologies. No regrets.



“You are a very dynamic and inspirational spirit.”


(former NFL Defensive End, Houston Oilers)


If you’re willing to do the work, I can deliver results.

I specialize in boundaries, beliefs, and badassery. And I am committed to helping you achieve higher states of clarity, happiness, and confidence. Think of me as a Happiness Scout. I can target your source of internal conflict/confusion, and we’ll co-create a strategy you can implement immediately to overcome the struggles and stuck-points.  I believe that compassion and accountability are not mutually exclusive. In our sessions I will give you feedback without the psychobabble or pseudo-spiritual fluff. I hold a non-judgmental space of high integrity, and I often use levity to break up the crystalized energy of fear and resistance. I am passionate about helping you —

— prioritize your well-being without feeling guilty —

— learn to seek guidance, not validation —

— make soul-driven decisions while navigating manmade situations —

— stop trading memories for money —






I offer a range of sessions to support your growth, from Reiki/energy work to evolutionary astrology to astrology-based life coaching to 1:1 alignment sessions to online classes. My Alignment Sessions and readings are about helping you learn to trust and validate yourself, become more emotionally and spiritually autonomous — i.e. SOVEREIGN.



— Worriers and Warriors

— Teachers of all kinds (Reiki, yoga, math, etc.)

— Social Rejects and Spiritual Rebels

— Overthinkers and People-pleasers

I hold a truly non-judgmental space of high integrity and compassion, to support and help you with the following and so much more —

— gain clarity about LIFE PURPOSE and LIFE PATH
— understand past life gifts and talents
— understand your karmic patterns
— free yourself from toxic relationships and beliefs
— prioritize your well-being (without feeling guilty)
— learn to seek guidance, not validation
— make soul-driven decisions while navigating manmade situations


Do you feel invisible, unseen, unheard, unacknowledged? Are tired of being taken for granted? Are tired of being taken advantage of?  Are you ready to work with someone who will hold a strong space of accountability AND compassion while you expand through your process? Let’s find out!


Schedule your FREE 30-minute call to see how aligned you are with your purpose, your life path, your spiritual growth, or any significant aspect of your life you wish to explore. From this, we decide together if we are a fit to move forward and book your Alignment Sessions. I value your time as well as mine, so I think this is a fair way to see if we’re a good fit to work together.

No strings. No catch. No cost. 

The happiness, inspiration, and freedom you seek is on the other side of this button. ;)

It was amazing to me that you were able to help us all by finding a common link. You set up an environment where we could share without shame, enabling us to learn from each other, while keeping us focused.
— Julie R., student (workshop, Houston, TX)