Welcome, Kindred Spirit! I’m a soul-focused mentor helping you activate and embody your life purpose.

  • Galactic Astrology (symbolic language)

  • Law of Attraction (vibrational language)

  • unconventional wisdom (soul language)

  • common sense (actual language

I’m here to support your self-actualization through the practical application of —

I combine Galactic Astrology, Reiki/energy work, and soul-focused coaching to enhances your vibration and well-being. My goal is to help you remember and embody your SPIRITUAL WHOLENESS everything here is to support your well-being, so where would you like to begin? 


Many Star Souls feel homesick, but don’t know where "home" is.  You don’t have to believe in “Starseeds” to feel lost and alone in the world, out of place, or “different” (like you don’t belong).  That said, if you feel a burning curiosity about your soul’s history and the possibility that Earth is not your first home, keep reading. 


Galactic Astrology infuses traditional understanding with updated and more expanded views, by incorporating new discoveries (in astronomy and quantum physics) with the fundamentals that have survived the centuries. The moment of your birth sets up complex geometric alignments within this Galactic Matrix that create an overlay of energies and experiences (often called “lessons”) which cause your expansion. 

Galactic Astrology incorporates fixed star alignments (also called Starseed locations) and four major galactic points in your natal chart to gain insight about your soul’s journey into this incarnation, along with aspects of your life path, soul purpose and mission. These four main galactic points include —

   — The Galactic Center | Transmitter of Divine Consciousness

   — The Super Galactic Center | Transmuter of Collective Karma

The Great Attractor | Intergalactic Transmutation

   — The Shapley Attractor | That Which Is Beyond Time and Space

Their house placement in your chart, along with planetary aspects, indicate what areas of life you have amplified energies, likely access quantum downloads, connection to higher perspectives, and your soul mission for individual and collect ascension. The depth of information I learned through taking Julia Balaz’s Quantum Soul Guidance Practitioner Course, is truly mind-blowing! 

FOR EXAMPLE — Sun conjunct Pleiades in the 1st house indicates that you embody a playful and passionate spirit, whereas Sun conjunct Pleiades in the 9th house indicates you have a passion for exploring and learning as an ongoing theme in your life. If you have Andromeda conjunct Sun in the 6th house, this indicates your service to others involves deep healing and clearing limitations/limiting beliefs, and Andromeda conjunct Sun in your 11th house shows that your balanced energy and integrity is able to heal groups, penetrate rigid and outdated paradigms.


“I keep repeating the same patterns in life and I don’t understand why, or how to change them.”

“I want to know more about my star origins, but don’t want to come from a place of ego.”

“So much has happened in my life and I would like to know if this is karmic or just life lessons.”

“I have done so much shadow work and self-help stuff, but still feel stuck in life.”

“I see the world so differently from others; I know I don’t really ‘fit in’ but I’m tired of feeling crazy.”

“I really feel like I’m not from here but there is no one I can talk to without feeling judged or rejected.

“I have an idea of what my life purpose is but I’m not sure if I’m living it or missing the mark.”

“I want to know more about my cosmic heritage but don’t want to feel like it’s coming from a place of ego.”

“I keep chasing my tail trying to figure out what Icame here to do but need more clarity so I can get on with it.”

Ok, but can astrology REALLY help me better understand myself, see my patterns more clearly, and make solid decisions about my life path and what’s next for me? And what’s this galactic stuff about?


  • “Kellie is truly a powerhouse in astrology and psychic guidance. Having her in my corner has brought some seriously positive change to my life with only a couple of sessions. Her work is so thorough and in-depth, she explains the more complex aspects to astrology and always makes sure I’m understanding so I feel like I’m also getting lessons. Kellie’s weaving in of practical tips and coaching-style advice tailored to your chart always feels accessible and exciting, I really feel like I am coming into my own and able to embrace my unique gifts.”

    ~ Molly (client, Michigan)

  • “You connected so many dots today! You broke it down really, really well. You were HIGHLY recommended by my friends, and now I’ll be recommending you to more friends! One of my key takeaways is just acknowledging that I’m on the right track, because right now I’m at this crossroads of “is this option really right for me?” because I don’t like wasting time. And also validating that all my past experiences weren’t for nothing. But I think the biggest key takeaway is knowing I have so much [cosmic] support … because I’ve always felt so alone. Everything resonates so much and you answered all my questions. I feel more empowered and reassured that I can help people. I want to heal people; I want to help people!”

    — A.A. (Michigan)

  • “This wasn’t just good — this was extremely powerful. And very … healing. You connected all the dots, and you brought me full circle. I’m so grateful for your talents, your gifts, and your time! You have taught me, opened my understanding (my inner-standing), and my consciousness, so that I can be who I was sent here to be. You, as a “stranger” made me feel safe … made me feel heard … made me feel seen … and honored me as a person. But also for this journey and … just the validation and confirmation of the path that I’ve walked, because it’s been a path I haven’t been able to share with anybody … nobody gets it. But you got it!”

    — B.K. (MICHIGAN)

  • “Bringing in the deeper layers of the galactic and the stars and their themes, I feel really supported. And it feels really good. And it’s helped give me a lot more clarity. It’s also helped me understand and to stop judging the information I receive, because I’m always getting information. I guess I feel really validated, that I am on the right path and I am moving ahead … and now I want to study Galactic Astrology! You gave me a lot to work with (you should charge more) and I have a couple of friends I’ll be referring to you. They’re on a spiritual path and I think this would blend right in and give them a lot more clarity too.”

    — C.E. (Oregon)

  • “You know, Kellie … never has anyone so precisely confirmed that (family karma). You are quite something! Everything you said, I actually did not know about myself. And I am just in awe at how you confirmed everything I have been arriving at … this momentum. It’s like a beautiful permission for me, which I can use as a mantra to train myself to have fun.”

    — D.S. (Canada)

  • “You’re amazing! I don’t know how you do this … you’re clearly plugged in. I don’t know any human beings who have this much energy and mental capacity! Like you’re plugged into something! This was more than worth the investment. You have way overdelivered on anything I could have expected.”

    — W.S. (OHIO)

  • “SO much has happened since our session: AA Gabriel has given me so many signs/messages. And I was able to go into past lives for the first time! (Lyran, Pleiadian, Egypt) I’m so grateful for our session and I have several friends that are booking a session with you now. Even my mom wants a session next month! (I feel it will be a major breakthrough for her.) Very grateful for you – keep doing the work you do – it’s already changed my life in beautiful ways.”

    — K.A. (Ohio)

  • “Thank you so much for the detailed, intuitive reading! The way you presented the information gave me so much validation and confirmation! Everything makes sense, and there were a few surprises that definitely gave some amazing insights. Thank you for sharing your gifts!!!”

    — MIchelle (TEXAS)

  • "I enjoyed working with Kellie. Her written report was very detailed and extensive. In our conversation, she offered a unique blend of astrological interpretation with intuitive wisdom and comments from the spirit guides. She explained aspects of myself that I knew about but didn't understand. I received clarity about where to focus my attention and now have a clear path forward. But the best part was discovering that the main character I channeled for my fantasy series was a living person from the distant past! I will be recommending Kellie to my friends."

    — Elaine (Oregon)

  • “Honestly, this is exactly what I needed. It feels so good, and I feel a sense of relief. And there’s a lot of information and integration that’s gonna happen, but OMG it just makes so much sense! I honestly feel like I’ve had a lot of validation - energetically, spiritually, whatever. And I feel like now that we’ve done this, and I have this information that shit is just going to start happening for me.”

    — M.M. (Texas)

  • “I’m blown away with everything that came through today. This has changed the entire trajectory of my life – I’m excited for tomorrow, and all the other tomorrows! Thank you!”

    — L.M. (Texas)



Galactic Astrology may be the newest tool in my go-bag, but I’ve been guided by the stars my whole life. 


I’ve supervised and trained a variety of people — from military to murderers. I’m wired for solving problems.

Activated Language supports your process of awakening, and deepens the connection to your Divine Self.


“When we speak, we program the field around us.”

— R. Neville Johnson


It doesn’t compete with the stock market, or inflation, or the Instagram algorithm. Sacredness is a fundamental expression of your existence. It cannot be suspended, revoked, rejected, or negotiated.

There is no “one-size-fits-all” path to awakening. And your journey of empowerment is not linear. The “work” I do is an integration of the Law of Attraction, Atomic Habits, activated language, Galactic Astrology, unconventional wisdom, and common sense - strategically layered together within my readings and sessions.

How exactly does a former U.S. Marine become a catalyst for spiritual growth?

By accident, of course … if “by accident” you mean unrelenting self-examination, a commitment to personal integrity that rivals most, and a ceaseless drive to help create a better world for our children.


What if you could reset your life without starting over?

I specialize in boundaries, beliefs, and badassery. And I am committed to helping you achieve higher states of clarity, happiness, and confidence. Think of me as a Happiness Scout. I can target your source of internal conflict/confusion, and we’ll co-create a strategy you can implement immediately to overcome the struggles and stuck-points. 

I believe that compassion and accountability are not mutually exclusive. In our sessions I will give you feedback without the psychobabble or pseudo-spiritual fluff. I hold a truly non-judgmental space of high integrity, and I often use levity to break up the crystalized energy of fear and resistance.  I am passionate about helping you realize your goals. Do any of these statements resonate with you?

  • “I want to stop trading memories for money.”

  • “I want to make soul-driven decisions while navigating manmade situations.”

  • “I want to learn to trust my intuition and seek guidance, not validation.”

  • “I want to prioritize my well-being WITHOUT feeling guilty.”

  • “I want to free myself from toxic relationships and beliefs.”

If you’re willing to do the work, I can deliver results.

Become aware of what’s holding you back … or simply become aware that you still have untapped potential and unexpressed desires to experience in this life. 

— Awakening

Discernment allows you to identify the gap between where you are and where you want to be; then choose which outcome you want to calibrate your vibration toward.

— Alignment

Choosing simple and clear language helps you laser-focus your attention on daily tasks that move the needle. One thing a day can get you far — fast.

— Activation



I embody.

Authenticity is the practice of knowing who we are and expressing it truthfully.  To live according to what others accept or expect is not living, but performing.  It takes great courage to be authentic in a world where judgments are superficial and assignment of value is arbitrary.  But our fear of being authentic must be replaced by our responsibility for it.  We are being called now more than ever to examine what is truly important.  NOW is always the best time to “show up” in alignment with our true selves, by showing up as our (true) Self.  Living our purpose without permission or apology will inspire others to do the same.

Here are a few more samples from the revised deck in progress! Enjoy! :)

  • I am Gratitude.

    I appreciate.

    Gratitude is the practice of acknowledging the inherent value of people, things, or experiences. The realization of worth precedes the acknowledgment of it. Value, in this sense, is anything that enhances or improves our state of being. Every encounter, every experience offers us the opportunity to embrace, enhance, reject or diminish life. Since gratitude is felt and expressed as love, it increases the vibration of both the giver and receiver. It enhances life force and is a powerful catalyst for healing. We experience gratitude as a fullness, a heart-centered connection to the object of our appreciation. To appreciate means to be thankful for, fully conscious of, and to increase in value.

  • I am Purpose.

    I fulfill.

    Purpose is the practice of defining and living a meaningful life. It can be the meaning we give to our lives, or the meaning we give our lives to. The difference between having “a purpose” and living “with purpose” is permission. Participating in something we enjoy brings satisfaction; and participation in something we value brings fulfillment. Although we assign meaning to people and experiences based on their significance or influence in our journey, our sense of meaningfulness comes from within. It is the permission we give ourselves to live a passionate and fulfilling life. If we wait for others to define us, then we also wait for them to validate us.

  • I am Mindfulness.

    I participate.

    Mindfulness is the practice of interacting thoughtfully with our surroundings. Our presence affects the space around us; and the quality of our presence determines whether this effect is welcome or intrusive. Mindfulness is asking rather than assuming, and appreciating rather than expecting. It demonstrates self-awareness, boundaries, humility, and respect, all of which create context for meaningful exchanges. “Manners” are a set of social rules that dictate how we are expected to act; mindfulness is a state of being that guides how we choose to interact. By bringing our awareness fully into the present environment, we enhance our ability to respond appropriately. Mindfulness brings us into resonance with the space we occupy.

  • I am Forgiveness.

    I reclaim.

    Forgiveness is the practice of purging ourselves of the desire to punish. Some of our most challenging paradigms to overcome are the misguided concepts of “justice” and “fairness”. While punishing others may satisfy part of our desire for relief, punishment is not restorative; it will not recover what was damaged. Life is not a simple equation where trading injury for injury will produce balance – resentment and retaliation are expressions of disempowerment. Our first task is to identify what was truly taken or injured. Our next task is to understand the difference between restitution and resolution. Recovery is a journey of reclaiming our Self, rather than receiving or taking something from others.

“When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.”

— Dr. Wayne Dyer


I’ve recently had a few clients ask if I do energy clearings (for anything from toxic relationships, to traumatic experiences — in this life or otherwise — to energies in their environment, to “hitchhikers” and so on. The answer is “no” I don’t do energy clearings in this sense, but I know someone who does. Her name is Jen and she’s been developing this gift her whole life. She is also trained and certified in Quantum Harmonization Body Modalities, and I’ve experienced several powerful sessions firsthand. (This includes my time working as a Corrections Officer.) She is my “go to” person for this work — I trust her with my life.  If you have concerns about possible negative attachments, etc. you can learn more by visiting her website (link below). 

Home and Personal Space Clearings

JEN: “My energy work “specialty” is in clearing spaces - locations, homes, offices, rooms, properties and in assisting to clear energy blockages and/or attachments with people or energy. What might indicate the need for a clearing? Your awareness is the best guide, however there are some signs/symptoms that individuals notice as well."  Click her link for a list of energetic imbalances that can manifest from negative attachments. 



I am not a medical professional, psychiatrist, or psychologist.  Any advice offered here – either directly given by me, or perceived by you, the reader – is for educational and entertainment purposes only.  You assume full responsibility for all choices made by you to utilize the material presented here or in a session.  While this work may support your current well-being and self-care practices, it is NOT meant to be a substitution for current or ongoing therapies, medications, or other healthcare advice you receive from qualified professionals overseeing your health and safety.  Always consult your physician, therapist, or other managing professional BEFORE making any changes to your prescribed modalities of treatment.  My desire for you is to be happy, healthy, and safe!

For those who feel guided to support without booking a reading or session … you can buy me a coffee, or pay it forward and support this work by making a donation of any amount. (For transparency, I am not a 501(c)(3) organization.)
