Everywhere I turn, the message I seem to get is “be realistic, not real”. But trying to squeeze myself into someone else’s box gave me bad posture, chronic neck pain, and a pervasive eye twitch. 

I’ve spent the majority of my life resisting the inner calling of my soul — partly out of confusion (not knowing what my purpose was) and partly out of fear (not wanting to live it publicly and face the judgment or rejection). My spiritual rabbit holes can get a little … weird.

My stubbornness is genetic, and so is my work ethic. I joined the Marine Corps (1993)  right out of high school – literally. My parents were adamantly against this at first.  

So … I dug my heels in deeper and went anyway.

Around the world and back in 5 years. I left my hometown a grown kid, and came back a mother. My spiritual awakening began around 2001, thanks to some early mentors. But I attribute the full awakening to my children.  They have been my strongest teachers in this life.

I am an artist, a messenger, a mother, a warrior, and a catalyst.

I’ve been living my awakening for over 2 decades now.


How exactly does a former U.S. Marine become a catalyst for spiritual growth?

By accident, of course … if “by accident” you mean unrelenting self-examination, a commitment to personal integrity that rivals most, and a ceaseless drive to help create a better world for our children. If Abraham Hicks and George Carlin had a love child, that would be me. ;) 


GALACTIC CENTER conjunct Moon (3H)

SUPER GALACTIC CENTER conjunct Pluto (12H)

THE GREAT ATTRACTOR conjunct Neptune (2H)

SHAPLEY ATTRACTOR conjunct Uranus (1H)

Manifesting Generator (still not sure what this means ;) )

Work hard. Be weird. Get shit done.

I am deeply inspired by everyday acts of courage and authenticity. That’s why I’m wildly passionate about helping people reclaim their time, energy, and resources. It’s about prioritizing your well-being without apology or justification. 

I want to jump right in, so we can tackle head-on wherever keeps you up at night.  I want to discover what separates you from your peace and joy.  I want YOU to see that you finally have someone in your corner. (That’s me!)

I’m an energetic woman with battle-scars and random quirks, and my drive to empower others is unwavering. Whether you are struggling to free yourself of toxic relationships, heal from abusive experiences, feel more confident, or get out of a creative rut, I'll jump into those dirty trenches with you and we'll dig out together.

I am committed to helping you elevate your life by elevating your beliefs. 

(former NFL Defensive End, Houston Oilers)

“You are a very dynamic and inspirational spirit.”



I’ve been boots-on-the-ground since the mid-90’s, and I’ve hit a LOT of road bumps along my journey. I draw from the diversity of my experience to bring you comprehensive support and accountability, along with some practical (as well as unconventional) insights.

As a single mother (many years ago), I can relate to constantly falling short of your own expectations. As an Empath working in very high-stress environments (like the military and corrections), I definitely understand the need for solid boundaries. I’ve been yelled at by drill instructors, toddlers, inmates, and cranky customers — show me what you got!

I believe that accountability and compassion are not mutually exclusive — and I’ll prove this every time we work together. I provide a truly safe space for you to be unfiltered, think and say whatever is on your mind. The more honest you are with yourself, the better I can guide you. The judgments, the ugly cries, the anger and resentment, the cussing … this is ALL part of the process and doesn’t make you any less “spiritual”

I’m a trainer at heart, and I’ve logged thousands of hours training a wide range of people from military to murderers (officers, inmates, coworkers, students, etc.) That said, I understand that people are more familiar with the concept of “life coaching” so I frame much of my content here in this way. But I believe that the basis of my success in working with others comes from being more of a Socratic teacher.  This is my favorite way to work with and train people. 

  • - Born in Alaska, raised in Texas.

    - My daughter and I invented Combat Putt-Putt in 2006.

    - I've jumped off a perfectly good bridge from about 5-stories high (in Okinawa) for no good reason. Twice. 

    - I've driven away from a gas pump with the handle still in my tank. Once.

    - I'm 59% Baptist on my mom's side, and 64% redneck on my daddy's side.

    - I'm convinced that duct tape and gum were invented just for me.

    - I don't cuss like sailors ... sailors cuss like me.


My tools aren’t just bookshelf theories, or feel-good cliches. They come from my real-life experience, getting knocked down and getting back up. Repeatedly. And some of them are simply the integrated best practices of others (like Stephen Covey’s “Seek first to understand, then be understood”).

I’m allergic to bullshit, and I strive to give straightforward, actionable insights rather than “new age” platitudes. For example — working with snakes and inmates has taught me clear and simple rules of engagement … don’t get hit and don’t get bit.

That said, I do get passionate about supporting and empowering others — so I’ll probably sound like your fangirl now and then! But it’s genuine excitement and encouragement for YOU doing the work.


“Kellie, I have to tell you that your writing … is WONDERFUL! I fell out of my chair with this phrase — ‘everywhere I turn, the message I get is ‘be realistic, not real.’ Then I went to your website; I was stunned and moved. That and your writing … no wonder you have all this energy and desire to move forward. You have this power.”

— Tama Kieves, Bestselling Author, Speaker, Writing Coach (This Time I Dance, Inspired And Unstoppable, and more)


I am not a medical professional, psychiatrist, or psychologist.  Any advice offered here – either directly given by me, or perceived by you, the reader – is for educational and entertainment purposes only.  You assume full responsibility for all choices made by you to utilize the material presented here or in a session.  While this work may support your current well-being and self-care practices, it is NOT meant to be a substitution for current or ongoing therapies, medications, or other healthcare advice you receive from qualified professionals overseeing your health and safety.  Always consult your physician, therapist, or other managing professional BEFORE making any changes to your prescribed modalities of treatment.  My desire for you is to be happy, healthy, and safe!