

COME FOR THE ASTROLOGY | Stay For The Strategy.

Every great outcome has a starting point — this is yours. Working with clients from a range of backgrounds and cosmic lineages, I’ve uncovered what’s at the core of their deepest questions. And we’ve worked out some interesting ways to move through the hurdles. 

What lies at the core of most of these strategies are things like — boundaries, habits, and beliefs. And what’s really exciting (to me, anyway) is that I am seeing how some of these themes are being given for specific Starseed frequencies and lessons.

I’m sharing some of the exciting strategies that have come through during client sessions. There are several “themes” emerging right now, so I’ll share those with you here.  My you find them relevant, helpful, and empowering! :) 



Invoke a Guardian Spirit to stand at your gate or door (access into your personal space, home, property, etc.) and have this guardian hold any version of the following intention(s) – 

  • Allow only those who are willing to reveal their true nature may enter this space … during “business hours”

  • Whenever you designate the time you are “open” for business, this guardian may allow those spirits in for your assistance.

  • Whenever you decide your office hours are now “closed”, this guardian is to enforce your personal and sacred space by preventing those spirits from entering until you state that you are again ready to assist them.

Using the crystals CASSITERITE (or black tourmaline or Aegerine or Covelite, etc. – whatever resonates with you), draw a simple note on a piece of paper with the words “OPEN” and “CLOSED” written down.  

  • When ready to assist the spirits, place the 2 crystals on either side of the word “OPEN”.

  • When ready to be done for the day (or week, etc.), after instructing your Guardian Spirit (a.k.a. Gatekeeper), place these same 2 crystals together (touching) over the word “CLOSED”.

COSMIC SUPPORT | Training & Oracle Cards

Notes from a client session on how to work with your Cosmic Support Teams


Create a set of cards (simple index cards with notes or whatever) where you list all the GIFTS and qualities of one Star Family on a card, and do this for each of the star systems listed in the section on Trines and Your Cosmic Support (written report pg. 16-17). Whenever you are wanting to connect with each system and “learn” their different frequencies, gifts, etc. you can shuffle the deck and pull one at random as a daily or weekly practice. Then meditate or read about them to “study” so you don’t overwhelm yourself with a major deep dive. 


You can make another set of these cards to use as an oracle deck, so when you are needing guidance from your Star Families and don’t know who is showing up, or what skills you need to actively work with, you can shuffle this deck and pull cards to gain clarity like any other oracle deck or divination tool. This will be different from the first deck, which is more of a study tool. 

MOVE THE NEEDLE | Keep it simple. 

Focus on one thing a day that moves the needle. That’s it; keep it super simple, build momentum, and create new “evidence”. Then when it’s time to turn your efforts toward a bigger shift, you already have the momentum and evidence … the pivot will be much easier and more effective.


Empowerment is the ability to mindfully direct our process of becoming. A simple technique I’ve been teaching for years is “Erase and Replace”. Choose a mantra that captures a quality or feeling you want to embody more (keep it simple).


Feeling overwhelmed often comes from overthinking things, as much as overdoing things. The most effective way to reset your emotional state is usually a matter of taking the simple and direct route. Like “chop wood, carry water”


It’s no secret that life has challenging moments. Sometimes the best approach is perseverance; sometimes it’s surrender; and sometimes it’s just a matter of doing something different until the resistance subsides.

Astrology-based Life Coaching … sessions that start with a reading and end with a strategy.

If you want to “be there” for others … you must be there for yourself first.

I am deeply inspired by everyday acts of courage and authenticity. That’s why I’m wildly passionate about helping people reclaim their time, energy, and resources. It’s about prioritizing your well-being without apology or justification. If you want to “be there” for others … you must be there for yourself first.


I’m a trainer at heart, and I’ve logged thousands of hours training a wide range of people from military to murderers (officers, inmates, coworkers, students, etc.) That said, I understand that people are more familiar with the concept of “life coaching” so I frame much of my content here in this way. My Alignment Sessions are about showing you how to trust and validate yourself, so you can become more emotionally and spiritually autonomous — i.e. sovereign. 

In our sessions, we get straight to the good stuff – boundaries, beliefs, behaviors, and badassery.  Whether you’re feeling stuck, anxious, insecure, or uninspired … we will troubleshoot together and create a strategy that gets you results!

How does this serve the evolution of my soul?

Insight without action gets us nowhere. Our journey is to actively live our awakening, to consciously choose our thoughts and actions — THIS is what we came here to do. Small daily shifts build momentum over time. You gotta put in the work, but “the work” doesn’t have to be tedious and soul-crushing. Keep it simple, make it fun, and you’ll be amazed at how quickly you can build momentum!  The main goal is raising your daily vibration (energy habits) and seeing/feeling improvements in your overall well-being.


Life gets crazy and intense.  Circumstance can overtake us and overwhelm our senses, knock us off balance, pull us out of alignment with our spirit and our centeredness.  I know you’re tired. I get that. But you’re closer than you think to that goal.  You’ve done it before and you can do it again – this time I’ve got your back. 



Transformation is the defining moment that separates “before” from “after”. But who defines that moment? Transformation is generally viewed as a dramatic and noticeable difference, something ‘obvious’. However, this process is really a collection of small changes or shades of difference that comprise an overall improvement.

Every journey includes cycles of progress and challenge that trigger our awakening; but ‘awakening’ is not the destination! Our individual awakening contributes to the collective awakening.



Default habits create a default vibration. 

Our “habit of thought” is basically the stuff we tell ourselves when we aren’t listening.  It’s the background noise we’ve gotten used to. 

The good news – you don’t have to inventory every thought you’ve ever had just to raise your vibe! The same way you don’t have to “un-eat” every donut or piece of candy before starting a good workout routine. 

I’ve been working with what I call Activated Language for over a decade now.  It’s kind of like combining The Law of Attraction with Atomic Habits and it creates amazing results!  You will experience this within our first session. 

COMMUNICATION is the exchange of information.

VIBRATION is the transmission of energy / frequency.

To give you an idea of how I structure your unique package to determine the flow of our sessions, here is a general overview of what your sessions will reveal.  After that are a few “sample session ideas” of what we’ll do together(you aren’t limited to just boundaries, courage, or life purpose — these are simply common themes that most people can relate to, and demonstrates what you can expect from me.)

After your FREE Alignment Audit (30-minute initial call), where we will uncover what area(s) you want to create results first (work, home, family, health, etc.), we bring this into our first 1:1 session to create your detailed alignment strategy. We will tailor YOUR sessions to the specific results you want to create (meaning you aren’t “limited” to the following couple of session types).


— Identify where your energy leaks are (time, finances, people, health, etc.)

— Identify themes in your life that cause self-doubt, anxiety, and fear

— Narrow down your priorities and decide on the PRIMARY result we want to create

— Create specific strategies that you can start implementing immediately 


— Identify where your energy leaks are (time, finances, people, health, etc.)

— Narrow down your priorities and decide on the PRIMARY result we want to create

— Create specific boundaries that you can start implementing immediately

— Recover your energy and protect your well-being

— Monitor your progress and notice the improvements

— Identify specific milestones and markers to help us track your progress

— Accountability metrics integrated throughout the strategy


— Identify themes in your life that cause self-doubt, anxiety, and fear

— Prioritize the area(s) in which you want to boost your confidence

— Decide on the PRIMARY result we want to create

— Create a strategy with incremental growth exercises (we’ll make it fun, too!)

— Identify specific sources of personal inspiration/motivation to incorporate

— Identify specific milestones and markers to help us track your progress

— Accountability metrics integrated throughout the strategy


— Identify skills, talents, and areas of your life that come easily to you

— Identify barriers to expanding into your authentic self-expression

— Prioritize what ignites your soul

— Decide on the PRIMARY result we want to create (focus on first)

— Create a strategy with incremental growth markers (we’ll make it fun, too!)

— Identify specific sources of personal inspiration/motivation to incorporate

— Identify specific milestones and markers to help us track your progress

— Accountability metrics integrated throughout the strategy

— Document and celebrate the wins!



    — 1-hour sessions, scheduled on a weekly basis (for 4 weeks) 

    — Session will be a non-recorded video call (or phone, depending on preference) 

    — After each session, I will send a session summary email to document your progress and the next steps assigned during the call

    — You will receive a reminder email the day before your session, and an email with the video call link on the morning of your scheduled session (so you don’t have to scroll through a bunch of emails to find the login, link, etc.). 

    This value-packed block of sessions is great for someone who has a clear idea of a specific issue or area to work on, and is ready to tackle the challenges and get some traction on the momentum.  This package is a great option for people who have some experience “doing the work” and just need some laser focus, clarity, and strong direction with an accountability partner who won’t let them falter.  This doesn’t mean that I’ll be mean!  I will greet you with passion and excitement for your hard work and efforts!  I will cheer you up if you’re feeling down on yourself … I will cheer you on as you handle those hurdles, and I won’t co-sign the excuses that have held you back long enough.  

    ***This package price of $444 is paid in full option. There is also a (2) payment option of $248.50 (this allows you to space the payments 2 weeks apart.) All sessions must be paid in advance for both options to secure your booking.***


    — 1-hour sessions, scheduled on a weekly basis (for 8 weeks) 

    — Session will be a non-recorded video call (or phone, depending on preference) 

    — After each session, I will send a session summary email to document your progress and the next steps assigned during the call

    — You will receive a reminder email the day before your session, and an email with the video call link on the morning of your scheduled session (so you don’t have to scroll through a bunch of emails to find the login, link, etc.). 

    This deeper dive package is for those who have an idea of what isn’t working, but lack some clarity about why or how to turn it around.  It also is set up for those truly sticky patterns that may take a little more time, guidance, and practice to create the bigger result you are going for.  I will give you the same level of passion and commitment as offered in the 1-month package … we just structure your strategy differently for deeper integration over the 8 weeks. I will also cheer you on as you handle those hurdles, and I won’t co-sign the B.S. (excuses) that have held YOU back long enough.  It’s gonna be great!   

    ***This package price of $777 is the paid in full option. There is also a (2) payment option of $422 (this allows you to space the payments 1 month apart.) All sessions must be paid in advance for both options to secure your booking.***



I am not a medical professional, psychiatrist, or psychologist.  Any advice offered here – either directly given by me, or perceived by you, the reader – is for educational and entertainment purposes only.  You assume full responsibility for all choices made by you to utilize the material presented here or in a session.  While this work may support your current well-being and self-care practices, it is NOT meant to be a substitution for current or ongoing therapies, medications, or other healthcare advice you receive from qualified professionals overseeing your health and safety.  Always consult your physician, therapist, or other managing professional BEFORE making any changes to your prescribed modalities of treatment.  My desire for you is to be happy, healthy, and safe!